A Laymen’s Guide to getting Health Insurance on the Marketplace

Whether you plan on enrolling through the Health Insurance Marketplace this year or not there are a few key points everyone should be aware of. These points include the deadline to enroll for 2015 health coverage, the Special Enrollment Period, and the penalties for anyone without coverage. Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act...Continue reading

My Men’s Movement: 45 Years on the Path

Part 1 My Father, Myself, My Future By Jed Diamond, PhD  When I began writing this I realized I couldn’t talk about the Men’s Movement because, for me, my involvement is personal and I don’t seem to fit within any one tributary within the Men’s Movement river.   Wikipedia says, “The men’s movement is a social...Continue reading

Vitamin D may prevent prostate cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found that vitamin D can help block a protein that causes prostate tumors to grow. Published in the journal Prostate, they discovered that inflammation may be the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer. They found that the gene GDF-15 – known to be up-regulated by...Continue reading

Childless by Choice

Writer and filmmaker Jason Headley (www.JasonHeadley.com)recently published a poignant essay in Medium.com about his decision to be childless. Excerpts from his well-considered point of view are presented here, with his permission: “Picture this: I’m thirty-four years old. I’ve been married four and a half years. I don’t have any children. People ask, ‘When are you guys going...Continue reading

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