fatherlessness and divorce

The Establishment Creates Fatherless Kids

Attorney Robert Franklin recently said: “The terrible effect of fatherlessness on children, including when they become adults, is the single greatest social ill we face. And yet we promote it – actively promote it – as a matter of public policy.” Worse still, it’s done to benefit a wealthy special interest group. Family law is a $50 billion industry...Continue reading


Does Concern for Boys Put You In the Alt-Right?

Progressives still label worry about men’s and boys’ problems as conservative. So there I was, reading a piece in the New Yorker by Steve Coll, titled “Donald Trump’s Fake News Tactics(link is external),” where Trump was seen as “draw(ing) on the contemporary idioms of the alt-right.” Quoting a report by researchers Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis, Coll...Continue reading

fatherlessness and school shooting

America Has A Major Fatherlessness Problem on Its Hands

After yet another school shooting, which we all knew would eventually happen, the connection between fatherlessness and school shooters has finally been seriously exposed.  Several videos, discussing the links between fatherlessness and school shooters, generated over ten million views and articles drew an unprecedented level of interest. In fact, for the first time in decades, the issue broke into the national media, in...Continue reading

worry ibuprofen

Should You Worry When You Take Ibuprofen?

Is anything good in excess? Most of us can make the argument that excess has its place in life: pets, shoes, cars, art, love. Others, like Mahatma Ghandi, prefer the ascetic existence in which material things are roundly denounced. Throughout history even the greats can’t agree about excess: Hippocrates espoused that “everything in excess is...Continue reading

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