Low Testosterone and Dementia Risk: Exploring the Research

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for the male body, Testosterone gives men energy, sex drive, muscle mass, motivation, and overall health. As men age, their testosterone naturally decreases... Learn more about proactive and preventative precautions in this great blog entry!Continue reading

Public Health in Action – A Silent Health Crisis

Of all the things in the fields of both public health and healthcare that pique my interest and attention most, it’s health disparities, specifically the numbers 5 and 7.  In a country as productive and innovative as ours, it’s a particularly vexing reality check whenever I’m faced with those two numbers, which I’ve listed below...Continue reading

A Laymen’s Guide to getting Health Insurance on the Marketplace

Whether you plan on enrolling through the Health Insurance Marketplace this year or not there are a few key points everyone should be aware of. These points include the deadline to enroll for 2015 health coverage, the Special Enrollment Period, and the penalties for anyone without coverage. Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act...Continue reading

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